Guzara Castle – Ethiopia’s Camelot
Guzara Castle offers spectacular views over the lake. Its strong walls have stood watching over Lake Tana for at least four centuries. Thought to have built by Emperor Sarsa Dengal in 1572, the castle is still an impressive sight, and, although in ruins, is a fine example of the architectural style of the early Gondarine period, which developed from the many influences from Central Europe, Turkey and Portugal. Recognised as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Guzara Castle is located in the north-east of the biosphere reserve, on the road between Bahir Dar and Gondar, around 25km north of the town of Addis Zemen.
Guided tours
You can book tours with the knowledgable and well-informed local guide Samuel (+251 – (0) 918213143, English and Amharic).
Roadstop Cafe
The community of Guzara Castle has further started a little roadstop cafe which invites you to have a coffee/tea or some water after a long road journey from Bahir Dar to Gondar (or the other way around). Call Samuel (+251 – (0) 918213143) to arrange coffee times for larger groups. Simple toilets now available!!!